Friday, August 10, 2012

Addicted to Pinterest

I have to admit this. I am addicted to Pinterest.

I love the ideas that come from there and if only time would permit to make all the great arts and craft stuff on there, not to mention the food. OMG the food, some of the food looks so damn delicious that I could eat it right off the screen if it were possible.

So yes I am on there and I have pictures of my books and pictures of books that I have read and liked and then there are some stuff for dreaming and wishing. Things like that dream home, you know the one you will buy when you win tattslotto or marry that rich billionaire, and lets not forget the fantastic ideas for getting fit.


Yes I think I spend way too much time on the computer, *nerd alert* or at least it was when I went to school, nowadays I'm probably in with the cool group for spending so much time on the computer. I like to call it research if I am not writing.

The pinterest thing has me captivated I try a few of the things on there and some that I say 'yeah I'm going to do that'. 'Yeah I'm a gunna'. Gunna do this and Gunna do that. One day I will surprise everyone and actually do something. My Dad's is surprised that I've written a book, well actually I've published two, written four (two at the editors) and three on the go. I'M DOING THAT!!!!!!

So back to pinterest, I love it. I think it is the best thing since sliced bread it brings the world that much closer, but its a big world and we don't have a lot of time to test all the ideas out and then recently I came across a website/blog ,funnily enough on Pinterest about a woman who tries some of the things on Pinterest, let me say that she holds nothing back on her thoughts about the idea or product, whether it worked or not or whether it was hard or easy or just plain stupid.  I find her to be funny with a dry sarcastic wit, but I believe that she is being totally honest and sometimes in this world its hard to find someone who is honest.

Have a look at her website, if swearing offends you, the "f" bomb in particular, then may I suggest that you don't look.

Till next time
Happy Reading
