I often spend a lot of time in the kitchen mostly cooking tea for the family but every now and then I cook for fun.
Sometimes its cakes, muffins, biscuits or a new cuisine. Sometimes they look, smell and taste great and sometimes they don't. I'm not the worlds greatest chef I wouldn't even classify myself as Australia's greatest chef but when I'm cooking for fun, I really enjoy it and this page is dedicated to sharing that with you.
If you would like to share your culinary expertise feel free to email me and I will add your creation to the blog or perhaps there is a creation that you saw and would like the recipe again feel free to email me.
Now for something I have prepared earlier.
he he he!
Maple Date Loaf - which I shared with my neighbor.
This was good the kids loved it!
Great way of getting fibre into them.
What to bake next? hmmmm........
30th July 2013
You name I made it (almost)
Sausage rolls

Cornish Pasties


I need a little more practice on piping!

16th July 2013
Sponge Cake (take two)
I was really bummed with the last cake and I made a pact with myself to nail this sucker. Did you want to see the pic of the failed sponge. (Did I mention that I nicknamed it the brick!) Okay I'll put it up
- refer to pic on the right (hangs head in shame.)
Now I can say that I have redeemed myself, refer picture below.
This was soooo much better than the last one I made.
Now, I will be the first to admit that in my time, I have eaten some awesome sponge cake and this one, did not compare to some beautiful sponge cakes.
But, I think I can hold my head high on this one.
I will work out the secret to a damn good sponge. I want to be as good as those ones that I have tasted, the ones that melt in your mouth, that everyone scrambles and fights over to get a piece.
This will do for now.
I just found this pic and I forgot to put it up.
When the boys and I had stay in movie day and set up camp in the lounge room. I made caramel popcorn.
OMG it was so delicious, but there's a warning. Its sweet, and when you make it that caramel is HOT!!! I burnt my pinkie finger and it hurt a lot.
I had to share this, because it was yummy.
12th July2013
Sponge Cake
I made a sponge. I should put a pic up, maybe tomorrow. (too ashamed to put one up)
It is now declared that Sponge cakes are my sworn enemy and I declare WAR!!!!!
I so totally screwed it up. (I don't even know where I went wrong.)
Of course I probably would not of made the error if I knew where I went wrong.
Shattered that it failed. It was like eating a dry piece of airy brick. (AWFUL!!!)
But as I said I have declared war on the whole Sponge cake saga and I am determined to nail this sucker.
I will most likely make one in a day or two, on the hunt now for a good sponge recipe.
(You don't know one do you?)
9th and 10th of July 2013
Another cooking spree
I recently have in my possession Marian Keyes cook book, Saved by cake, out of this book I have cooked profiteroles, refer to the pic on the right, don't they look great!
And Millionaires shortbread, (which is the same as caramel slice) but for some strange reason cooked a little differently (takes longer) but tastes oh so better, I used an inferior chocolate for the top, but even so. I was in heaven. Hubby wants me to make the profiteroles again but like an éclair.
I also made triple choc brownies from a children's cookbook, these did not last long. Yummo!
I am wondering when this cooking spree will end, not soon as I am thinking of more and more things I want to cook and bake. I recently bought a cheap icing set, I want to do cup cakes with the fancy icing on top. Hubby wants me to cook a sponge, (e-gads!) I want to run from that, although the last time I tried a sponge it turned out okay. It will be interesting what I come up with next.
6th July 2013
Homemade Marinara Pizza
I've made pizza at home before and with this pizza base recipe it is quicker than the rise and wait dough. It's nice but not the same, but from start to finish I can have pizza in an hour and that's making three due to the fussy participants in my house.
One wants meatlovers, one wants aussie and hubby.... well he gets whatever I throw at him. He does like the marinara one. All up for three pizza's it costs approximately $15 that also includes garlic bread and soft drink. Well on Saturday I had a red wine. (as you can see from the pic) Homemade pizza is always good.
Love my pizza stone.
1st July 2013
Cooking Spree
I am going away for a few days and I needed to stock up on food for hubby so that he can zap it in the microwave, while I am away.
So today I went on a cooking spree.
I made Pumpkin soup (no photo)
Asian Chicken and Corn soup. (see right)
Spaghetti Bolognese (no pic, it was standard spag)
Beef stroganoff (again no pic, standard strog)
Red curry chicken with rice, (No pic, I forgot)
And I also made Choc chip muffins, same recipe used as the white choc muffins below but instead of white choc I substituted for choc bits.
And the other day I came
across a recipe for donut muffins. Apparently muffins that taste like cinnamon donuts. I was willing to give it a try. I also saw a recipe for donut cupcakes that were similar to the muffins. With so much cooking today and really wanting to try them I opted for a cheats version using a cheap cake mix, putting it into cupcakes and doing it that way. While they were good I was expecting that 'donut' taste. I may have to revisit this one and perhaps try out the "REAL" recipe.

But the day had all started off with my son who made us breakfast with cinnamon toast. This was a part of a school project that he is doing. He did a great job and they tasted great. I may have a chef on my hands.
20th June 2013
White chocolate Muffins.
It has been how long since I posted. OMG!!!!
I have been cooking just not taking any pictures and sharing with you.
Oh and by the way my weight loss journey went out the window.
The other week I felt the urge to make white chocolate muffins.
I googled the recipe, (it's amazing how many recipes there are out there.)
I found a winner because I not only made this once, but have since made it two or three times and have also converted the recipe for chocolate and mixed berry muffins.
This is the best recipe I have found yet. So of course I had to show you.
30/3/12 - More goodies
I can't believe it has been a month since I last posted my culinary delights, where has the time gone? I have still been baking and since the last few days I have been on a weight loss journey my culinary skills have had to adapt, omelets have been on the menu lately and I thought that I wouldn't like them but I have been loving them my favourite being the tomato mushroom and cheese omelet. So what else have I been baking.

Fairy biscuits.
These were easy to make and the kids loved them, they didn't even complain about it being pink icing, I suppose if they did i could change the color of the icing to green or blue and call them dragon biscuits or ogres biscuits, but no need they loved them.
Sausage Pillow puffs.
These are such an ingenious idea they are like little sausage rolls but SOOOO much better, heaps more flavour, the best thing I liked about these was that you could freeze them see pictue below you you need them you take them out and pop them straight into the oven. Easy.
Have you guessed that I like easy.
The recipe also suggested that insted of doing the parcels like this picture, you could do pinwheels, refer picture below, its a little out of focus but you get the idea.
The kids didn't like these, am I surprised, no.
Loved by hubby and he takes four to work everyday, i cook them up at night and pop them into a zip bag and he heats them up in the microwave.
28/2/12 - An assortment of goodies.
Lately I have been on a bit of a cooking spree. There is something rewarding about cooking something that the family love (oh that and the fact that after ten years of living in my home I have FINALLY worked out how to use my oven.) A little bit of a laugh at myself at how stupid that sounded, but my oven was working too hot almost 80 degrees too hot. I have finally got it. YAY!!!!
So what have I made.......
Choc chip Biscuits - The family fave~ made twice
Honey Joys - made Thrice and LOVED and DEVOURED. (see picture below)
Banana Honey loaf - I was surprised that the kids like this, I have to admit it was nice. (see picture)
San Choy Bow - No picture (wish I had of) but as the kids loved it 'maybe because it was messy to eat' ~ I will be making this again. Loved by Hubby.
Salmon Quiche - This was delicious, and I got to enjoy it all to myself as the kids and hubby can't stand quiche or salmon.
Pancakes - A regular in my house, easy to make can be eaten hot or cold and great for lunch boxes, (cheap is a winner too)
Orange and poppyseed muffins - not enjoyed by the kids even with orange cream cheese frosting which I thought would be a hit but every now and then the kids throw you a curve ball. - go figure! Hubby loved this and was a refreshing change, would be good for a ladies afternoon tea party. (do people still do this?)
Chocolate balls - LOVED by the kids, eaten before I had a chance to take a pic, these were SO easy and required no baking (that gets my thumbs up).
Vegemite and cheese scrolls
These are such a huge hit at my house that you have to be quick to get one of these.
The way that I make these would have to be the easiest and quickest way to make a snack for the kids.
Puff pastry, spread vegemite, grate cheese, roll, cut and place on tray and put in the oven. Easy.
There are other recipes out there that require you to make the pastry with flour and I must admit that I am yet to try the receipe this way.
I usually make these after I have cooked something in the oven to utilise the heat already generated.
Variations include - meatlovers - bacon ham salami and cheese.
- pizza - tomato paste, ham, olives, onion, cheese, capsicum (of course your own favourite toppings could be used)
- enever special - ham and cheese (I usually use the diced ham from the deli) hubby likes this one.
Apple Shortcake.

I have been wanting to make this for a while and I'm not sure why I had put it off for so long because it was so simple to make, time consuming but simple and it tasted so delicious with ice cream and whipped cream.
The first of February ~ my Dad's birthday. I promised my Dad that I would bake him a cake.
"What cake would you like Dad?"
"Anything but Chocolate." (A favourite in my house.)
"OK, well what about an upsidedown pineapple cake or a hummingbird cake?" (my favourite's)
"How about a good ol sponge"
Cripes! If there is one thing I cant cook, it's a sponge. Most often it fails bigtime, with a big flop, or its rubbery or it tastes terrible.
I could only give it a go and follow the instructions to a 'T'.
Upon putting it into the oven it looked good and throughout the cooking process it looked good.
Taking it out of the oven it looked REALLY good.
The proof would be in the tasting.
Thumbs up!
It was so great, everyone went back for seconds and if there was any left, thirds would have been taken.
I can now add a sponge to my repitoire.
til next time.
Last week I baked the family favourite choc chip biscuits, these are a regular favourite in our house and so easy to make. This time I thought I would add smarties to the top and wouldn't you know it they were a huge success so much so that I didn't get to try one.
Sometimes its cakes, muffins, biscuits or a new cuisine. Sometimes they look, smell and taste great and sometimes they don't. I'm not the worlds greatest chef I wouldn't even classify myself as Australia's greatest chef but when I'm cooking for fun, I really enjoy it and this page is dedicated to sharing that with you.
If you would like to share your culinary expertise feel free to email me and I will add your creation to the blog or perhaps there is a creation that you saw and would like the recipe again feel free to email me.
Now for something I have prepared earlier.
he he he!
This was good the kids loved it!
Great way of getting fibre into them.
What to bake next? hmmmm........
30th July 2013
You name I made it (almost)
Sausage rolls

Cornish Pasties


I need a little more practice on piping!

16th July 2013
Sponge Cake (take two)
I was really bummed with the last cake and I made a pact with myself to nail this sucker. Did you want to see the pic of the failed sponge. (Did I mention that I nicknamed it the brick!) Okay I'll put it up
- refer to pic on the right (hangs head in shame.)
Now I can say that I have redeemed myself, refer picture below.
This was soooo much better than the last one I made.
Now, I will be the first to admit that in my time, I have eaten some awesome sponge cake and this one, did not compare to some beautiful sponge cakes.
But, I think I can hold my head high on this one.
I will work out the secret to a damn good sponge. I want to be as good as those ones that I have tasted, the ones that melt in your mouth, that everyone scrambles and fights over to get a piece.
This will do for now.
I just found this pic and I forgot to put it up.
When the boys and I had stay in movie day and set up camp in the lounge room. I made caramel popcorn.
OMG it was so delicious, but there's a warning. Its sweet, and when you make it that caramel is HOT!!! I burnt my pinkie finger and it hurt a lot.
I had to share this, because it was yummy.
12th July2013
Sponge Cake
I made a sponge. I should put a pic up, maybe tomorrow. (too ashamed to put one up)
It is now declared that Sponge cakes are my sworn enemy and I declare WAR!!!!!
I so totally screwed it up. (I don't even know where I went wrong.)
Of course I probably would not of made the error if I knew where I went wrong.
Shattered that it failed. It was like eating a dry piece of airy brick. (AWFUL!!!)
But as I said I have declared war on the whole Sponge cake saga and I am determined to nail this sucker.
I will most likely make one in a day or two, on the hunt now for a good sponge recipe.
(You don't know one do you?)
9th and 10th of July 2013

I recently have in my possession Marian Keyes cook book, Saved by cake, out of this book I have cooked profiteroles, refer to the pic on the right, don't they look great!

I am wondering when this cooking spree will end, not soon as I am thinking of more and more things I want to cook and bake. I recently bought a cheap icing set, I want to do cup cakes with the fancy icing on top. Hubby wants me to cook a sponge, (e-gads!) I want to run from that, although the last time I tried a sponge it turned out okay. It will be interesting what I come up with next.
6th July 2013
Homemade Marinara Pizza
I've made pizza at home before and with this pizza base recipe it is quicker than the rise and wait dough. It's nice but not the same, but from start to finish I can have pizza in an hour and that's making three due to the fussy participants in my house.
One wants meatlovers, one wants aussie and hubby.... well he gets whatever I throw at him. He does like the marinara one. All up for three pizza's it costs approximately $15 that also includes garlic bread and soft drink. Well on Saturday I had a red wine. (as you can see from the pic) Homemade pizza is always good.
Love my pizza stone.
1st July 2013
Cooking Spree

So today I went on a cooking spree.
I made Pumpkin soup (no photo)
Asian Chicken and Corn soup. (see right)
Spaghetti Bolognese (no pic, it was standard spag)
Beef stroganoff (again no pic, standard strog)
Red curry chicken with rice, (No pic, I forgot)
And I also made Choc chip muffins, same recipe used as the white choc muffins below but instead of white choc I substituted for choc bits.
And the other day I came
across a recipe for donut muffins. Apparently muffins that taste like cinnamon donuts. I was willing to give it a try. I also saw a recipe for donut cupcakes that were similar to the muffins. With so much cooking today and really wanting to try them I opted for a cheats version using a cheap cake mix, putting it into cupcakes and doing it that way. While they were good I was expecting that 'donut' taste. I may have to revisit this one and perhaps try out the "REAL" recipe.

But the day had all started off with my son who made us breakfast with cinnamon toast. This was a part of a school project that he is doing. He did a great job and they tasted great. I may have a chef on my hands.
20th June 2013
White chocolate Muffins.
It has been how long since I posted. OMG!!!!

Oh and by the way my weight loss journey went out the window.
The other week I felt the urge to make white chocolate muffins.
I googled the recipe, (it's amazing how many recipes there are out there.)
I found a winner because I not only made this once, but have since made it two or three times and have also converted the recipe for chocolate and mixed berry muffins.
This is the best recipe I have found yet. So of course I had to show you.
30/3/12 - More goodies
I can't believe it has been a month since I last posted my culinary delights, where has the time gone? I have still been baking and since the last few days I have been on a weight loss journey my culinary skills have had to adapt, omelets have been on the menu lately and I thought that I wouldn't like them but I have been loving them my favourite being the tomato mushroom and cheese omelet. So what else have I been baking.
Fairy biscuits.
These were easy to make and the kids loved them, they didn't even complain about it being pink icing, I suppose if they did i could change the color of the icing to green or blue and call them dragon biscuits or ogres biscuits, but no need they loved them.
Sausage Pillow puffs.
Have you guessed that I like easy.
The recipe also suggested that insted of doing the parcels like this picture, you could do pinwheels, refer picture below, its a little out of focus but you get the idea.
The kids didn't like these, am I surprised, no.
Loved by hubby and he takes four to work everyday, i cook them up at night and pop them into a zip bag and he heats them up in the microwave.
I have also made the usual staple goodies, choc chip biscuits and the thing i love about the receipe is that it keeps in the fridge so no need to cook them all at once, make them and store them in a zip bag and take out when required, great for those unexpected guests, ( the recipe also suggests that you can freeze the dough but I am yet to do this, I should let you know how it goes)
Pancakes, chocolate fudge cake and as the days are cooling last week I made my first soup for the year chicken noodle soup, delicious.
28/2/12 - An assortment of goodies.
Lately I have been on a bit of a cooking spree. There is something rewarding about cooking something that the family love (oh that and the fact that after ten years of living in my home I have FINALLY worked out how to use my oven.) A little bit of a laugh at myself at how stupid that sounded, but my oven was working too hot almost 80 degrees too hot. I have finally got it. YAY!!!!
So what have I made.......
Honey Joys - made Thrice and LOVED and DEVOURED. (see picture below)
Banana Honey loaf - I was surprised that the kids like this, I have to admit it was nice. (see picture)
San Choy Bow - No picture (wish I had of) but as the kids loved it 'maybe because it was messy to eat' ~ I will be making this again. Loved by Hubby.
Salmon Quiche - This was delicious, and I got to enjoy it all to myself as the kids and hubby can't stand quiche or salmon.
Pancakes - A regular in my house, easy to make can be eaten hot or cold and great for lunch boxes, (cheap is a winner too)
Orange and poppyseed muffins - not enjoyed by the kids even with orange cream cheese frosting which I thought would be a hit but every now and then the kids throw you a curve ball. - go figure! Hubby loved this and was a refreshing change, would be good for a ladies afternoon tea party. (do people still do this?)
Chocolate balls - LOVED by the kids, eaten before I had a chance to take a pic, these were SO easy and required no baking (that gets my thumbs up).
Vegemite and cheese scrolls
The way that I make these would have to be the easiest and quickest way to make a snack for the kids.
Puff pastry, spread vegemite, grate cheese, roll, cut and place on tray and put in the oven. Easy.
There are other recipes out there that require you to make the pastry with flour and I must admit that I am yet to try the receipe this way.
I usually make these after I have cooked something in the oven to utilise the heat already generated.
Variations include - meatlovers - bacon ham salami and cheese.
- pizza - tomato paste, ham, olives, onion, cheese, capsicum (of course your own favourite toppings could be used)
- enever special - ham and cheese (I usually use the diced ham from the deli) hubby likes this one.
Apple Shortcake.
I have been wanting to make this for a while and I'm not sure why I had put it off for so long because it was so simple to make, time consuming but simple and it tasted so delicious with ice cream and whipped cream.
The first of February ~ my Dad's birthday. I promised my Dad that I would bake him a cake.
"What cake would you like Dad?"
"Anything but Chocolate." (A favourite in my house.)
"OK, well what about an upsidedown pineapple cake or a hummingbird cake?" (my favourite's)
"How about a good ol sponge"
Cripes! If there is one thing I cant cook, it's a sponge. Most often it fails bigtime, with a big flop, or its rubbery or it tastes terrible.
I could only give it a go and follow the instructions to a 'T'.
Upon putting it into the oven it looked good and throughout the cooking process it looked good.
Taking it out of the oven it looked REALLY good.
The proof would be in the tasting.
Thumbs up!
It was so great, everyone went back for seconds and if there was any left, thirds would have been taken.
I can now add a sponge to my repitoire.
til next time.
Last week I baked the family favourite choc chip biscuits, these are a regular favourite in our house and so easy to make. This time I thought I would add smarties to the top and wouldn't you know it they were a huge success so much so that I didn't get to try one.