Numurkah is a small country town boasting close to 4,000 people approx, 3 hours north of Melbourne along the Goulburn Valley Highway and it is my home town despite the fact that I have lived out of Numurkah more than I lived in it.
However, it is where I was born, where I went to both primary and High School, it is where I also had my first kiss.
Shhh! dont tell my Dad.
Shhh! dont tell my Dad.
To me Numurkah is my home town and it means a great deal to me.
It's a great town and perhaps I am a little bias but the atmosphere is great the locals are friendly an
My Crystal Hart series is set in Numurkah and while I was originally going to have it set in an imaginary town I decided upon Numurkah and although in my series a lot of things happen the truth is that Numurkah doesnt really have that much crime going on which is good really.
Throughout the year Numurkah and the surrounding areas have plenty to do so why not pop to Numurkah for a visit and see if you can work out where the landmarks in the Crystal Hart series is set. Be Careful some I've made up but always have a place in the town in mind!
Well til next time
Happy Reading
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