Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Famous Five Plus

Hello Everybody,

Just thought I'd post the wonderful news that I have been accepted into a wonderful group of authors, we have a blogsite and a facebook page so that you won't miss a thing about all the exciting news that us wonderful authors are up to.

Come and check us out at: http://famousfiveplus.blogspot.com/

There is also a permanent link here on my blog for you the next time you come back to visit me.

Til next time

Happy Reading

Monday, May 14, 2012

Hot on the trail

I am hot on the trail of a new romance story, yes another romance and this has a bit of spice in it so if you don't mind a bit of spice in your life (or at least your reading), then this will be the story for you.

I should have got up this morning at 2am when the characters wouldn't stop 'dialogueing' (is that a word??) in my head, the storyline so vivid, the characters so entertaining and HOT.

The book is going to be called Advertisment for love and while I've had the idea for it for a while, since Novemeber last year, last night it came over thick, fast and hot.

So I thought that I would sit here and let you know what I will be up to over the next few weeks, months and I will give you snippets and insights as we go along.

Til next time

Happy Reading

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Trying to get back into it.

Since my last post things have been scrambled.

My son (I do love him) downloaded a virus that wiped my entire computer, I lost everything including all the work I had done, all of my programs, the lot.

Did I mentioned that he is still alive and that I love him (moment of madness).

So instead of writing, I have been trying to get my computer back to where it should be or where I would like it to be.  I must have some brains as I have the most of my work saved on disk and USB which were in storage an hour from my home, so I drive down there retreive them and I was happy that I had the back up, but the next book in the Crystal Hart series I lost almost three months work as I had not updated the USB.

I have to say I am very disheartened at this as it was almost ready to go the the editor, now I'm not even sure if I want to pursue it, the only thing that keeps me going is the people who have read it want to know what happens next. I still haven't written anything more.

I am involved and run the local writer's group and I am helping another writer Kitty Jardin publish her first novel and it looks like I may have another two that I will be helping and publishing through my publishing arm, DARE Publishing. It feels good to help someone and this feels a lot better than the wallowing of pity that I was almost drowning in with the loss of my Hart Series follow up.

So that is where I am at, a bit of a dramatic turn of events since my last post but perhaps in a way it is good, I am sure the universe knows which way it is guiding me.

Til next time

Happy Reading