I'm not quite sure where I lost it or when, but it was sometime last week.
A lot of things went haywire for me last week and the frustration set in, but a lot of good things happened too and I guess I should ride on the good things rather than dwell on the frustrating things. We all have bad days. (Mine was a bad week) And I still cant get my printer to work after a week. Technologically savvy I'm not.
I often wonder if I am trying to do things too fast and get results too fast or am I not patient enough.
Does this happen to anyone else???
I suppose there are other people who get frustrated just because things aren't going as smoothly or as anticipated as they would like. Maybe I expect too much.
So each time I sat down to write last week it just wasn't there and it scared the crapola out of me, I love writing and take so much pleasure in it, I cant even get into reading and that too scares me I have always loved reading.
I don't have the answer, I don't even know if people like what I write. I suppose I should say that I write for myself and I do, I love writing but it's nice to hear what people say about what you write but good is always better than the bad.
I'm not sure how to get my mojo back, maybe I will take the next week off and leave the computer alone, I might even hide the books I am trying to read. I think during the next week I might do some cooking. What do you think??
Well til next time
Happy Reading
Cook a hearty beef stew and go for a walk through the forest.One thing I do miss about Melbourne is a good walk in the bush, as well as what everyone observes being the visuals it also smells and sounds wonderful.