I can't believe we are up to Thursday already.
It seems that this week has gone so fast and I wonder where it has gone. As I look back over the week I wonder what I have done, I know that I have been busy, but with what???
I haven't written much, maybe a sentence and I haven't read anything this week, I haven't even so much as opened a front cover, so as I sit and ponder what I did this week it reminded me of something that I have heard from a few inspirational speakers that I have seen over the years.
Fill your life with high quality stuff.
Those of course weren't the exact words and the words differ from person to person.
But the meaning is there and it is the same.
If you don't fill up your time with high quality things it will be filled with low quality things.
For instance if I want to write for the day but I don't put the effort into writing my day will be taken up with other things such as cleaning the toilet.
Now this for some people may be an important thing to do and while I agree to a certain point it is, it is not how I wanted to spend my day, I wanted to write but I filled my time with other less meaningful tasks.
I have heard that the same principal applies to other areas in your life, your house, your garden, your mind and etcetera. If you don't fill your garden with flowers it will be filled with weeds, if you don't fill your mind with knowledge what is it filled with. So what do you want to fill your life and mind with??
I suppose the point that I am trying to make to myself is that I need to put a lot more effort in what I want out of my day, my week, my life.
I have also heard that those who create a wish list or a to do list achieve and experience more.
Something to ponder......
I wonder what is going to be on my list.... What's on yours????

Til next time
Happy Reading
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