After I published my first book which I intended to be a sequel I was so in love with my characters that I continued writing the next installment of Crystal's adventures.
Crystal is the main heroine of my novel although she is far from a heroine she has hang-ups like most of us and she is most definitely not perfect. She has to work hard on keeping her figure unlike myself who has decided over the years that there is just a lot more of me to go around for everyone.
Getting back to my original point, as a writer I fell in love with my characters and I hope that the person reading my book does too. (There are some characters that I don't like and have purposely wrote them that way.) Why? In everyday life there is always going to be one person who rubs us the wrong way or that we can't get along with or is down and out nasty. And I love those characters too, I love to hate them.
As a reader are you drawn to a series perhaps Harry Potter or the Twilight series (because you got to know them and loved them) maybe love is a strong word, you really liked them How about JD Robb's Roarke and Dallas. Of course there are a lot more series in a lot more genres than the three I just picked out. (I could be here all day writing them all)
I do I love my characters they are like an extension to my family and they are always there on the shelf anytime I want to turn to them, when I was younger it was Noddy and Big Ears then it was Trixie Belden, The Famous Five as I got older it was Agatha Christie's Hercule Poiroit.
A big shift in reading has gone to series and trilogies and I as both a writer and a reader love reintroducing myself to my characters again, it has a sense of familiarity.
If there are other writers out there who are reading this. Do you love your character? Are you engaged with your character? If not, then it is possible neither is your reader.
Something to ponder.
Who was/is your favourite character? Why?
Til next time
Same Bat Channel
Happy Reading
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