Friday, October 14, 2011

With one touch of a key!

Yesterday I found myself in an awful position.

I was typing away at one of my novels (a Hart series novel) and with one push of a button all that I had worked on was gone!

You could imagine my distress, Oh god it was awful.

I had been editing and had done some major reworking and was pleased with my results that was until i pressed the button.
I can hear you all saying "save" and "what about autosave"
Somehow none of that mattered, because my fingers brush the little square box on my laptop it thinks I want to do something, edit something, change something, goodness knows what I pressed and it all happened so fast, then all of a sudden.......'poof'

My whole entire document reverted to the previous day's work.... I was in shock, total disbelief that even though I have autosave on and I had been saving along the way it had reverted back to its original state that I originally started with.

What the hell is the point of saving!
Yes I know I am having a little whinge here, I believe I am entitled to it, you may not want to listen but before you switch off.

I was able to recover my work. I shall now share.

So, I posted my dilemma on Facebook

One friend reminded me to save to USB (thank you) and another friend sent me a few links that might help me recover my work.

YES!!!! It worked! Thank you Cindy my saviour!

I would like to share it with you all just in case you ever get into the little hole that I found myself in yesterday, if you already know these tricks then you wont need these but if you dont, these may just save your sanity one day.

This link above saved my work, maybe it will help you too!
Look under 'Recent documents'.

This link above didnt help me, but maybe it will help you.
I hope that everyone has a wonderful day.

Happy Friday!

Til next time,

Happy Reading


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