Ahh! The 29th of February and most men are hiding.
Those who know anyway are hiding.
Yes Ladies! I wonder how many popped the question today?
Leap Day is considered the day that Women are allowed to propose to a Man.
Is this too archaic? Are we not liberal enough that women have to wait four years in order to propose?
Is this romantic? Personally and this is only my opinion please do not hound me down for it. Is that if a man is interested he will ask, if not, then he is not worthy of our love. I can say this because I am happily married and have been for the past 12 years.
So how did it all begin?

It began, ladies we can thank St Bridget in 5th Century Ireland who complained to St Patrick that it was not fair that women must wait for the man to propose, with Patrick relenting he set aside the 29th of February for women to propose.
"Go St. Patrick!"
Some say that it is some say it's not. In scotland it is considered Bad Luck to be born on the Leap Day.
In Greece it is considered unlucky for couples to be married during an entire Leap year and most especially on the Leap Day. (I wouldn't want to be in the marriage business in Greece during that year, business may be a little slow.)
Last useful bit of knowledge for those trivia nights, Leap Day is also considered St Oswald's Day named after an archbishop of York who died on Feb 29 992, celebrating his life with a feast day.

As for me, it was another day barely recognising the significance behind the day.
What did you do on Leap Day?
Propose? Hide? Say Yes/No or were you like me and had another ordinary day.
Til next time
Happy Reading