I was doing some research both for myself and the Upper Yarra Writers Group which, for at least this year I am running.

I stick with the blog and facebook and a few websites (not many) that are dedicated to reading and/or authors.
The marketers recommend that you should be on ALL of the social sites and also blog yourself away on a daily basis. And that is even if you have a publisher who does all of your marketing that you should still do that.
So for research sake I thought that just for the hell of it I would pretend that I was on the majority of them.
I blogged about nothing in particular, I updated my website, my facebook, and sent a few text messages to some girlfriends as if they were tweets.
I had spent nearly half a day when I could have been writing or editing, don't get me wrong I am not complaining (maybe a little).
But my point is I dont have much to say, I would love for you to think that I am an interesting person and that I lead an exciting life. But I couldn't do that EVERYDAY!!!
I'm an ordinary person leading an everyday life my house gets messy my kids are not angels and when I get up in the morning my hair looks like a bunch of rats have been nesting in it, and stays that way until I brush it or put it up in a tie.
The research also suggests that when you write your biography to make it witty and charming and a little bit exciting. Too bad if you are none of those, which of course I am, you can even add sarcastic to that bunch of remarks because I am.
I just wanted to add that although I may put stuff out there I dont want to bombard people with a lot of nonsense and dribble for the sake of my name being in your face.
This may be regarded as dribble to a few people and I apologise if you feel that way although if you felt that way I doubt that you would have read this far. :)
I will post things that mean something to me or I think is funny or perhaps just to put things out there into cyberworld because I want it off my chest and out of my head. I shall try not to bore with you my nonsensical dribble and try to make my life as interesting as possible without blurring too many lines into the fictional side of my life.
Marketing yourself or pushing yourself so far under people's noses that you piss them off. Hmmmm.... fine line
Til the next time I market myself.
Happy reading
Valissa :)
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