I have always loved cats, not sure why. My cat Joe used to scratch the crap out of me when I was little, ok so maybe I tormented him a bit, but he was a great cat.
I got to thinking of him on the weekend after a snake passed through my garden (not fond of snakes) but he (Joe) would bring home animals that he would capture. Mice, Rats,Rabbits, snakes (we lived in a bush town) so this was good.

He would have had to pay a lot because he was at the Vet's a lot, he definately used up his nine lives, he lived til nineteen.
But getting back to the story (very long winded) the snake reminded me of Joe and the story of myself as Joe bought home a snake and as a toddler at the age of about three, I picked it up and showed my mum.
"Look Mummy, look what Joe bought home."
Mum Screamed.
I dropped the snake. The snake slithered away never to be seen again.

My husband and I had a cat for approximately a week as a neighbour moved house and didnt want to take the cat with her. We named him Oscar and he was a great cat, the kids loved him and he fit in real well, til the neighbour asked how 'fluffy' was and was aghast that I made the cat sleep in the laundry. He was comfortable, he had a bed.
The neighbour promptly made haste to my house and gathered 'fluffy' back up and wouldnt let my kids say goodbye. The kids were devastated, and to this day my eldest still remembers Oscar.
My husband is not a cat lover, and when I mentioned this evening that I wanted a cat he looked at me and scoffed then he realised that I was serious and promptly changed the subject.
I like the idea of having a cat helping me to write my stories on those cold nights (after everyone has gone to bed) where I sit in front of the computer with the inanimate obect being my only companion. A cat would be companiable, I could talk to the cat and not feel strange that I am talking to a cat, its a lot better than talking to the computer. (do I admit that I do this, probably not a good idea).

I wonder if I get a cat.... Oh how I would love one.
til next time
Happy Reading
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