Monday, December 12, 2011
Being Organised

Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Visiting Walhalla
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Busy, Busy, Busy.

I have a wedding, my nephew is getting married, makes me feel old to hear that my nephew is old enough to be getting married. I have a baby shower to attend (not mine) and the other duties of day to day stuff like helping out at the school in the reading program and the writer's club.
Somewhere in amoungst all that I am trying to write for nanowrimo but I'm really not getting very far with that. I am trying to edit the next in the Crystal Hart Series, I am having so much fun with this book, there is a lot going on in it and I am sure it is going to entertain. And lastly work with editors, graphic artists and others on the new book coming out early in 2012 ~ Becky.
I am quite excited about this book as it is different to the crystal Hart series.
So yes I have been very busy and I am really looking forward to sharing all my hard work with you very soon.
til then.
Happy Reading
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Book Launch

A lovely day I had and even my husband who I dragged along enjoyed himself, where we all bought a book and I had the pleasure of meeting some of Australia's fabulous authors. Looking forward to more of Squish's adventures.
Til next time
Happy Reading
Friday, November 4, 2011
The Bridge
Since the 50’s it was considered the bridge of death after the death of Eve Collins in Bob Davis’s car when he ran off the road and over the bridge drunk.
He blamed himself for her death, she didn’t want him to
drive, they had an argument at the drive-in but he swore to her that he was
fine to drive and forced her into the car so that he could drive her home, he
was determined to get her back to her parents’ house before her curfew ended, her old man was a bastard if you didn’t live by his rules.
Racked with guilt and grief Bob committed suicide two weeks
after Eve’s death by jumping from the bridge with a rope strung around his
neck. Rumour in the town is that he didn’t die instantly but suffered for
several hours hanging while slowly strangling to death. Few locals called it
the bridge of death but were ridiculed stating that they were trying to scare
the people in the small town.
It was ten years after Eve and Bobs deaths that the bridge
claimed another life with a car veering off the bridge in the exact same spot at
approximately the same time as the car that killed Eve, that night two lives
were taken, a newly wedded couple on their honeymoon, Beth and John Thompson with John moving into the area just prior to their wedding to take on the role as Principal at the local primary school.
At the time of Beth and John’s death, the bridge which was named Hanson’s Bridge more locals adopted the bridge as an identity all of its own and got its nickname the bridge of death.
Two years later the bridge lived up to its namesake claiming the life of Mary Portelli as her and her boyfriend were fishing on the bridge. Mary slipped and fell to her death as the side railing gave way. The bridge was cordoned off for almost two months as repairs to its structure took place.
After Mary’s death many locals refused to cross the bridge stating that it was haunted or possessed, with many stating that they had seen several ghosts.
Councillors had a hard time trying to convince the locals that the bridge and the deaths associated was co-incidence, several locals called in spiritual advisors where the advisors believed that Eve’s ghost was taking revenge for her death, of course this was not taken seriously by many.
In nineteen seventy two the bridge collapsed as a bus carrying school children crossed killing three children, the bus driver and a teacher, twelve children were injured in the crash and after the bus tragedy the town’s councillor’s had the bridge dismantled and an entirely new bridge built in its place and renamed Collins Bridge.
On the twentieth anniversary of Eve’s death the bridge was closed and a vigil was held in her honour and to commemorate her life and the lives following that were lost, but on the twenty-first anniversary of Eve’s death eighteen months after the new bridge was built, Henry Reynolds whilst driving over the bridge in the exact same spot at the exact same time suffered a major heart attack and died instantly.
In the space of twenty one years the bridge had claimed nine lives with most locals taking a ten minute out of the way route to get to the other side. Over the next twenty years a further five lives had been lost on the bridge. In nineteen ninety eight the town was divided on the fate of the bridge with more than half of the town’s people wanting the bridge closed forever and another built in entirely different spot.
A committee had been formed raising funds to build a new bridge and with the majority of the town in favour of the new bridge the council had no option but to join in with the development and the Collins bridge was closed to traffic allowing only foot traffic. In the year two thousand and one the brand new bridge renamed the community bridge was opened.
Katrina felt goosebumps travel over her body as she read about the most speculated haunted bridge in the country, the rumours that not only was it haunted but possessed had her intrigued, it was in the town where her grandfather lived and she was surprised that he had never mentioned the bridge.
She decided to take a visit to see him and ask him about the bridge some more, it would help with her research if she had a locals view and experience of the bridge.
“I don’t want to talk about it Katrina. You will find that no-one wants to speak of it.”
“But Grandpa why?”
“It’s possessed by the devil itself taking lives that are not meant to be taken.”
“You can’t seriously believe that Grandpa”
Katrina looked at her Grandfather as he said nothing, chills ran up her spine as he sat and stared at her.
“Come with me.”
Katrina followed with Grandfather down the path from his home as he walked slowly with his cane as an aid.
He stood at the edge of the bridge. “I won’t walk on it, but I want to tell you a story, believe it or not.” He took up a seat near the bridge that overlooked the rushing river “Everything you’ve read is true. I was Mary’s boyfriend, at the time we didn’t believe the rumours that the bridge was haunted and against her mother’s wishes we went on the bridge, we thought we were safe because we weren’t in a car if the rumours of it being haunted and possessed were true.”
Poking at a leaf on the ground with his stick, he then raised his face to the sun and continued. “It was a beautiful day like this and then it clouded over quite quickly, we began to pack up the fishing gear Mary screamed and I saw it, a ghost, the ghost pushing her off the bridge. I ran down to the water’s edge and yelled for help but she had broken her neck. I couldn’t tell anyone what I saw no-one would believe me I could only tell them that she was leaning on the rail and fell to her death. I was under suspicion of pushing her to her death until Antonio Benutti came forward and said he saw her fall by herself, he didn’t tell the authorities that he saw a ghost but he later told me. Other people have seen it too.”
He took his granddaughter’s hand in his. “If you sit here
long enough you will see her, she waits for her next victim.”
Sceptical Katrina sat with her grandfather if anything just to appease him and after an hour she was about to suggest they go back, it was then that she felt chills up her spine, the hairs on the back of her neck go up, her heart began to race and the cold blast of air even though it was sunny and there was not a breath of wind.
There on the bridge a white shadowy figure appeared looking down into the water and then at Katrina the ghostly figure pointed to her before disappearing.
Katrina had no doubt that the bridge was possessed and took
on a new view on the life of ghosts.
I hope you enjoy the above story it is not something that I normally write but as I would like to get into the paranormal writing this is a nice introduction. Please note that it has not been proofread but posted in its raw form.
Til next time
Happy Reading
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Just got back...
Shhh! dont tell my Dad.
To me Numurkah is my home town and it means a great deal to me.
It's a great town and perhaps I am a little bias but the atmosphere is great the locals are friendly an
My Crystal Hart series is set in Numurkah and while I was originally going to have it set in an imaginary town I decided upon Numurkah and although in my series a lot of things happen the truth is that Numurkah doesnt really have that much crime going on which is good really.
Throughout the year Numurkah and the surrounding areas have plenty to do so why not pop to Numurkah for a visit and see if you can work out where the landmarks in the Crystal Hart series is set. Be Careful some I've made up but always have a place in the town in mind!
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Busy Month Ahead
November is proving to be a busy month for me.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Perhaps maybe just a row of chocolate.
Maybe you're after something a little more decadent.
or maybe.....
Is your mouth watering?????
Want more chocolate?
Or maybe you would prefer a rose.
I think for me the calore intake of
So I have had my chocolate fix.
Til next time
Happy Reading
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Are you conceited?
Friday, October 14, 2011
With one touch of a key!
Yes I know I am having a little whinge here, I believe I am entitled to it, you may not want to listen but before you switch off.
I was able to recover my work. I shall now share.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Beat your own drum
Because you are.
Things Change ~ Final Chapter
He sat in the café and waited she may have been back this week he hoped that he would see her, he patted the box that was in his pocket. Yep it was still there, he blew out a breath of relief he was so afraid of losing it before he even gave it to her, it had been four weeks since he had seen her and he hoped that she would be back to see the band, if she didn’t he didn’t know what else he would do.
The past four weeks had been agony, they had gone so slow, she sent a postcard saying that she was having a wonderful time and that she had been snorkelling every day and had even been scuba diving, he wished that he was with her.
She parked the car in the car park and walked to the café she wasn’t certain if he would be in the café but she could only hope that he was, the past four weeks were nice to be away from work but it didn’t fill the void that was left in her heart, she wanted Peter to be there in the Whitsundays with her.
Walking through the door with a little trepidation if he was here she was going to tell him how she felt and that she wanted more from their friendship if he wasn’t here she would go to his home, but she thought that maybe he would be here. Her heart began to hammer and she took in some deep breaths to try and calm her nerves.
The room was crowded and the noise level was louder than usual, the band hadn’t started and their album played overhead, she looked around the room to see if she could spot him.
He saw her come in through the door, it would have been hard to miss seeing as he watched every person who had come through the door, his heart skipped a beat, she was so beautiful even more beautiful than he remembered.
She spotted him sitting in the booth, their eyes met and her heart stopped and skipped a beat as it started back up again she caught her breath and blew out slowly, she was about to lay her heart on the table.
He stood up and kissed her on the cheek. “Nice holiday.”
“Yeah.” She smiled
“Did you want a drink?”
She wanted to get it over with but she was so nervous “Yeah just a water.”
He poured her a glass and brushed his hand over his pocket where he was keeping the box.
She sipped on the water that he poured “So how have you been?”
He smiled, where did he start? “Yeah good.”
When she first took on Peter as a client he was simply a client, one of her rules in being a personal trainer was to not become personally involved and somewhere she crossed the line and by the time she realised she had, it was too late. Her time off in the Whitsundays was to determine if she could go on living without Peter being in her life, she couldn’t. She needed to put her heart on the line.
“Peter there’s something I need to tell you.”
Oh God she didn’t want to know him anymore, he recalled in his mind the item in the box he was going to give her.
She continued “I need to tell you why I got into personal training, when I was little up until my mid-twenties I was fat, doctors labelled me morbidly obese.” She took another sip “Anyway when I was twenty six, my Dad had a heart attack and died as a result, the doctor said that it was his weight that did it, the pressure that was on his heart due to the excess weight he carried was too much for him, he pointed out to me that I too was a prime candidate for a heart attack. So I began the journey of losing weight I took on the personal trainer’s course and studied as a dietician. At the age of twenty nine I became a qualified personal trainer and most likely the only PT who was a virgin.”
She caught the shocked expression in his face, she smiled slightly and shifter nervously in her seat “After I lost the weight there were many men vying for my interest but it only proved to me that they only cared for my looks, I couldn’t get out of the fat suit even though the fat suit was long gone but it remained in my mind. I shut out men until you came along.”
She grabbed his hand, tears were threatening her eyes. “There was something about you that attracted me, and it’s still there, it grows stronger every day, I went on holidays to try and forget you.” The tears rolled down her face, she swallowed the lump that formed in her throat. “I fell in love with you, I am in love with you and I want to be with you, but I need to know if you want to be with me.”
He held her hand as his heart grew and a warm rush flood his entire body, he knew it as love, he had fallen in love with the woman in front of him and she had just declared hers for him.
“Cindy I have a confession too, ever since you walked into my life I’ve had a crush on you and I never thought that someone like you would be interested in a man like me. I wanted to lose weight in the hope that maybe just maybe you would be interested in me, I kept asking you in for a coffee in the hope that things might get to the next level but when things began to happen I got scared.”
He pulled his hand away and took a sip from the glass of water. He ran his finger along the edge of the table. “Once upon a time I had it all, I had a great job, fantastic house, wonderful wife and two beautiful kids and then one day we went for a drive, it was just suppose to be a picnic, a family picnic but a truck went through the intersection I was in a coma for three months, I should have died, so many times since then I wish I had of, I lost everything, my wife and children didn’t survive, I had lost the love of my life, I couldn’t do my job due to my injuries, I fell into deep depression, I tried to end my life many times, I found comfort in food and that added to my disability and hampered any progress that was possible, I gave up.” He stopped talking and looked at Cindy’s face.
She had tears streaming down her face, he had made her cry, he didn’t want to ever see her cry again, he wanted to make her laugh, to make her smile.
“Then you came along, you put sunshine into the deepest darkest corners of my heart where I thought it would never shine again. When you went on holidays I wanted to go with you, I was so scared that you would never come back. I bought something for you while you were away.”
He reached into his pocket and bought out the rectangular box. “It’s suppose to represent friendship and love”
She gasped at the rectangular box before she even opened it “Oh Peter I don’t know what to say”
“Open it”
She opened the box to reveal a gold necklace with ruby set in gold heart pendant. No longer could she see the necklace as they blurred beneath the tears that welled in her eyes. “Peter it’s beautiful”
He smiled “just like you, shall I put it on”
“No I want to wear it”
He laughed and got up, “I meant would you like me to put it on you, for you.”
“Oh” she laughed realising what he meant “Yes, please.” She took the necklace from the box and handed it to him and held up her hair.
He clasped the necklace on and took advantage of her bare neck kissing it lightly, she turned to him.
“Cindy, this is all new to me, its been so long since I have dated or been with a woman but I promise to love you and be there for you, I don’t think I could bare being parted from you, do you think we can be together.”
“As boyfriend and girlfriend or husband and wife?”
He gave a nervous laugh “well I was considering proposing to you but I thought that was a really big step but yes I was thinking it”
“Yes, Peter, yes” she held his face in her hands and kissed him.
Although they were oblivious, the band started the evenings first song, Endless Love.
The End.
I hope that you have enjoyed this short story it has been a joy to write.
For the next couple of months I will be concentrating on the Crystal Hart Series, there will be a Christmas short story that I will blog in the month of December so keep an eye out for that.
Still stay tuned in to my blog who knows what I will post.
Til next time.
Happy Reading
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Things Change ~ Chapter 7
She put in a request to end Peter’s rehabilitation stating that as he had gained part-time employment her duties and commitment had been fulfilled. She immediately booked a three week holiday to the Whitsundays it was her lucky day as she was able to get a flight and a hotel room that thanks to a cancellation she was able to upgrade to gold star.
She pulled up in Peter’s driveway and hoped that he would not be home. Knocking on the door she heard him inside.
“Oh hi Cindy, I was just about to go for a walk would you like to join me.”
She half-heartedly smiled “I can’t I’ve got a plane to catch, that’s why I’m here, I’m going on holidays leaving today actually and I won’t be able to help with your rehabilitation program.”
Peter’s smile faded he stood to the side of the door “did you want to come in”
“I can’t but I also need to let you know that I have put in a request to cancel your rehabilitation with me, it’s clear that I am no longer needed” or wanted she thought “so I need to be fair to the department, they will contact you and your doctor and they will do a final assessment on your disability.”
She stood in front of him, over the years she had fallen in love with him and now she never felt more remote from him, she was cutting herself from him, she felt she needed to take a break before he broke her heart, she knew it was going to be hard, she wanted to throw her arms around him and ask him to come with her, she wanted to tell him that she loved him.
“How long are you going away for and where?”
“Three weeks, maybe four, and I’m going to the Whitsunday’s. I just needed to let you know.”
There was silence between Peter and Cindy.
She smiled at Peter to try and hide the hurt that was pounding in her heart.
His heart caught in his throat, he didn’t know what to say, he wanted to tell her to not go, but that wasn’t fair on Cindy she was going on a holiday probably with some girlfriends or a guy, the last stabbed him in the heart and choked him, he knew that feeling, of loving someone and losing them, but he hadn’t had her to start with. Was that his fault? Had he not made himself show his feelings toward her, he was initially waiting for him to lose the weight but now, what was holding him back now?
He should tell her how he feels about her.
“Cindy I….”
“Peter I….”
They both said in unison.
“You go first” he said.
“It’s just…” she hung her head she wanted desperately to tell him that she loved him “I have to get going.” She waited for him to tell her to not go, to stay with him. She would, she would stay with him.
He waited on her every word hoping that she would tell him that she loved him and that she didn’t really want to go. He blinked back the tears that were beginning to form and coughed to shake the hurt that had been rising in his throat. “Ok, well… umm send me a postcard.”
“Sure.” She reached out to him and gave him a peck on the cheek before running back to her car.
She backed out of the driveway and gave a little wave as she drove off, before her the road swam and as she rounded the corner she pulled over and let the tears run freely down her face, why did it feel like the end before anything had even begun.
He closed the door as she drove off giving a wave, he walked over to the couch and sat, somewhere during the week that had been gloriously sunny and not one thing that could go wrong Peter’s whole world had turned dark and bleak and if it rained outside it would match the way he was feeling on the inside.
Not sure how long he sat on the couch he looked to the window as the darkness enveloped his home, he had been here before, losing everything that mattered to him, the pain in the heart that consumed his entire world, he had everything before and lost it, and now he lost something he loved, it was happening all over again. The tears he let fall as he sobbed to try and ease the pain in his heart.
Morning came and the birds chirped, the sun filtered through the window that he had failed to shut in the evening, in fact he still sat in the same spot on the couch since Cindy had left him.
Dragging himself into the shower he thought about going for his morning swim but his enthusiasm for it wasn’t there, he felt gut wrenchingly empty inside, as the water sprayed over him he realised that without Cindy in his life, it held no meaning, she was the reason for life. He had to do something about it.
Friday, October 7, 2011
School Holidays
Things Change ~ Chapter 6
Peter hit the wall, water splashed over the edge it was lap thirty, he was feeling good. He dunked under the water and let the water glide he ran his hands over his hair, stood up and walked out of the pool he grabbed his towel from the bench and towel dried himself, he changed into his gym gear.
She watched him from the reception area, she watched him everyday he was so good looking, so buffed, as far as she knew he was single, he pretty much kept to himself, he walked with a slight limp but other than that he was perfect, Zoe knew him only as Peter.
After finishing his set he noted on the community notices board that the gymnasium was looking for instructors, he thought how he would love a job like that, over the past year he had worked so hard getting to where he was, maybe he would apply.
He ripped off the tiny strip that had the number typed on it, it would be his first job since the accident, this would be something that he could do, he would be free from disability pension, the thought of it bought an immense smile to his face.
He headed home and took a shower before calling the number.
“Hi my name is Peter, I’m calling about the job as a gym instructor”
“Hi Peter, my name is Jason. Do you have any experience?”
Peter went on to explain what had happened to him over the years and his determination during the past year to shed weight and wanting to help others do the same.
Jason recognised Peter and knew of his story and had watched him and helped him in the gym, although he would prefer someone with training or expertise but he was confident that Peter could be an asset to his staff.
“Come on in to see me tomorrow after you’ve had your swim and we’ll see what we can do.”
“Fantastic Jason, I’ll see you then” as Peter hung up the phone he did a dance similar to the dancing baby that was so popular so long ago.
The following morning he went for his swim and went along to see Jason who had offered him a part-time job as a part of their weight loss team.
Peter was excited but kept his cool in front of Jason, he wanted to hug the man but he thought that might not be a good idea.
“Come on I’ll show you the team while we’re here.”
They walked into a staff office that smelled of lemons, two walls were covered in posters of the human muscular system and various posters of varying exercises, along one wall sat a desk and three filing cabinets which he knew each clients details were kept, chairs, scales and tape measures and a height measure were kept in one area, off to the right was a doorway that connected to a staffroom that also connected to the main reception area and another staff office.
“Jeremy, this is Peter, he will be starting with us on Monday as an inclusion to our weight loss team.”
“Welcome aboard, I’ve seen you around haven’t I?”
“Yeah you have, nice to meet you Jeremy.”
Peter followed Jason into the other connecting staffroom.
“Peter this is more of our gang, this is Karen, Taylor, Cassandra, David and Sharon. Guys Peter will be joining us on Monday as a member of our weight loss team, Peter you will be working with Karen and Sharon mostly.”
In unison they all said hi and Peter continued to follow Jason to the reception area.
“Zoe I want to introduce you to Peter who will be starting with us on Monday as a part of our weight loss team, Peter you would have had met Zoe on numerous occasions coming and going through the gym.”
“Yeah I have nice to finally put a name to the face.”
Zoe could all but smile.
“Peter this is Nikki she too works here in reception which I believe she is due to knock off til later this afternoon.”
Nikki held out her hand “yep nice to meet you, welcome aboard. I’ll see you later Jase.”
Peter barely had time to acknowledge Nikki before she was off.
“Peter I’ve got a client that I am due to see, Zoe will help you out with the paperwork and I’ll see you later. Welcome aboard.”
Peter shook Jason’s hand and thanked him for the opportunity, he walked home and couldn’t wait to tell Cindy.
Cindy over the past five years had been a blessing to him but it was the past year that he had grown especially fond of her, they kissed only one time and neither of them mentioned it or made a move again, for Peter it was out of sheer terror, he hadn’t been with a woman for so long and the only woman in the past almost thirty years had been his wife. He felt comfortable around Cindy like she was his best friend but he had the unmistakeable attraction toward her, he never worked on it or moved on her not since that kiss anyway. Cindy only came once a week and had been for the past four months, they still met on Wednesday’s but he walked to the café and she drove him home but he no longer asked her in for a coffee, it was better that way.
Tonight he was meeting her at the café again, he was excited with the news he was going to tell her.
Walking into the café he looked at where they usually sat but tonight he was going to sit in the booth along with his jeans that for the first time he was going to wear, he looked good tonight or at least he felt good, in fact he felt on top of the world. Nothing could spoil it tonight, nothing.
She saw him sitting in the booth and wondered why he was sitting there and not in their usual seat but she went over to greet him anyway, he spotted her and stood up and seen the surprise in her face, it warmed his heart. He smiled
“Oh Wow! Look at you you’re in jeans that is so fantastic.”
“Yeah I’ve got more good news.”
He gestured for her to sit and waited as she sat, he poured her a glass of water “I applied for a job at the local gym earlier this week.”
“Oh that’s great and….”
“I got the job.” he beamed
“Oh Peter that’s fantastic” she put her hand on his “I’m so proud of you.”
He smiled at her and knew it was what he wanted to hear he looked down at her hand, why did he feel so uncomfortable at the slightest intimacy from her yet at the same time it feel so right.
She kept her hand on his and she knew that he felt uncomfortable about any form of intimacy since they shared a kiss all those months back, anytime she had tried to get close to Peter he backed away, shied from or ignored any forward attempts of Cindy, she thought they were great together and the memory of the kiss told her that they had something special there too, she liked him, no, that wasn’t right she was in love with him. She wanted more.
He pulled his hand away and looked around.
She couldn’t stand it anymore “Peter, are you ashamed of me”
“No, why do you say that”
"Well you just pulled away from me and you’ve done it before." She put her hand on the table reaching out to him and looked into his face his eyes averted from hers “I know we’ve been friends a while Peter but I want more and I think you want it too.”
“Cindy, you wouldn’t understand.” he hung his head, he may look good on the outside and he may feel good physically but there was still that something that didn’t feel right.
“Understand what Peter? I’m a woman, you’re a man and I like you.”
“Yeah I..I..” How could he tell her that he was afraid to get intimate with her because he liked her too much, he didn’t want to destroy anything that was between them. “I thought we were just friends”
She choked back the tears that began to burn her eyes and clamp down her heart that began to squeeze. She took a big breath and tried to smile “I would have liked more, but..” she retreated her hand and hung her head choking back the tears “friends.” She nodded and drank some water to try and wash away her heavy heart.
The rest of the evening was the longest she had ever endured she always felt awkward around guys never really knowing what to say or how to be forward, so many women she knew were straight up and extremely straight forward and very frank in asking and taking what they wanted from life but she couldn’t, it wasn’t in her nature, she wish she knew, she wish she knew how. She felt comfortable with Peter and over the past few years had grown to care for him and eventually love him, she couldn’t tell him, what if he didn’t feel the same and she made a fool of herself besides he had said they were friends, somewhere in her heart she knew they couldn’t be just friends because she wanted more.
The band finished and Cindy informed Peter that she was tired had a headache and would like to go home.
The drive back to his place felt awkward, he thought it was going to be a great night and he could not have been further from the truth, somewhere and somehow things between him and Cindy had grown tense, she said she had a headache and was tired but he sensed something else, ‘women’ he thought, he had obviously done something to upset her, but what? He knew that if he asked she would say ‘nothing’ but she would think that he should know. Why couldn’t women just say what was bothering them? But what if she did have a headache and was tired? The easiest thing for him to do, would be to act as if nothing was wrong.
She pulled up in the driveway.
“Would you like to come in for a coffee?”
“no I better get going." came her curt reply.
He had obviously upset her, better to let it slide, she would get over it, he thought.
Hopefully another chapter tomorrow
til next time
Happy Reading
Monday, October 3, 2011
Things change ~ Chapter 5
Peter rolled down the sleeve of his shirt and waited for the doctor to ‘tsk,tsk’ him as he always did.
Dr Guadagno nodded his head “I’m impressed Peter your blood pressure is down.” He folded the armband and checked the computer “We can downgrade your medication, but I want you to come back in a month, I want to check it again, of course you know the drill if things change I want you to come and see me straight away, jump up on the scales for me.”
Peter and his doctor never knew his weight it registered off the scales and it always puzzled him why the doctor asked every time he came in for his check-up.
The doctor pointed to the scales “You’ve lost weight Peter, you’re registering on the scales now, what have you been doing with yourself.”
Peter was in shock, lost weight but… he’d hardly done anything “I…I..”
Peter began telling the doctor about his daily regime and his change of food with his latest changing from white bread to wholemeal, the doctor said it was a wonderful start and recommended him to see a dietician who could help him with better choices for eating.
Peter’s doctor printed out a prescription “Start taking these ones, they are a lower dosage than the others three times a day with meals. I still want to see you in a month, keep up the good work, you’re doing well.”
“Thanks Doc.”
For the first time since never, Peter smiled as he walked out of the doctor’s room, he thought about his walking and thought perhaps if he did it twice a day like he did with the floor exercises that he had continued to do that he may have more result, and he surprised himself when he found himself looking forward to the next time he would be exercising.
Every day he found it easier to do the exercises and he was getting quicker at his walking he had even increased his walking time to ten minutes with an iPod playing the band’s music in his ear he was inspired by the thought of sitting in the booth at the café with Cindy and finally fitting back into a pair of jeans in almost twenty years.
He was looking forward to tonight it had been four months since he had begun his new outlook on life, he had recently included weights to his new exercise regime it was a treat to himself along with more new clothes as the others no longer fitted him, but tonight for the first time he was going to wear a pair of dress pants and a nice casual shirt, he smiled to himself as he looked in the mirror, he was beginning to feel like his old self before the accident, before his whole world changed.
Splashing on some after shave another treat he had bought for himself he thought about Cindy and wondered if he could coax her into coming in at the end of the evening for a coffee, she had always declined, always ever so politely and he always accepted her refusal, but tonight…. he hoped.
Cindy pulled up in his driveway but tonight he didn’t come out like he usually did, she wondered if something was wrong, her heart sunk at the thought that he may be hurt, or worse. She killed the engine and got out of the car walked up to his door and knocked, she listened for any noise or movement inside, she knocked a little louder.
Peter pulled the earphone from his ear and looked at the time, Cindy would be here soon and he heard a knock at the door, maybe it was her already.
He opened the door and she took a gasp “Oh, oh Peter I..I..”
“Sorry I had my earphones in and didn’t hear you pull up, hope you weren’t waiting long.”
“No I…” She looked at Peter and while she had seen photo’s of him when he was younger and knew he was good looking but to see him all dressed up now, he was looking, she didn’t know how to describe what she saw, she felt.. she felt drawn to him, she knew she always liked him, he was a sweet and gentle man but now there was something else, she smiled at his blue eyes, he looked good, really good. She was attracted to him.
She felt the blush rising in her cheeks and she took a breath to calm her heart that was beginning to race and she caught a scent of his musky aftershave causing her heart to beat a little bit faster.
“You look good.” she finally managed to say in barely a breath
“Thank you. I can’t wait I am so excited about tonight, I bought these yesterday and I feel really good.”
“Well let’s get the night happening then” she said as she walked back to the car
Arriving at the café they sat in their usual seat and ordered their meal after eating they would sit on one of the stools by the café’s bar to listen to the band during a break Cindy excused herself to the ladies.
“I’ll buy you another wine”
“Make it a coffee, I’m driving remember.”
After ordering Cindy’s coffee and himself another diet coke he waited for Cindy to return and he turned around to watch the people in the café, as he turned he bumped into a woman spilling her drink.
“Oh I am so sorry”
“It’s ok, Its just an accident” she said as she brushed away at the liquid
“Here please, let me buy you another drink”
“It’s not necessary…”
“I would feel better if you let me buy you another
The woman smiled at Peter “Sure, I’m Romany.” She held out her hand
Peter took her hand “Romany, I’m Peter” he smiled at her “What are you drinking?”
“White wine, thank you.”
Peter caught the bar attendants attention and ordered a drink for Romany.
“I’ve never heard that name before, where’s it from?”
“Not quite sure where it is from, but my mum was nicknamed Gypsy because she was always travelling from one town to the next and she named me Romany which means Gypsy.”
“Oh wow how unusual have you met anyone with the same name?”
She laughed “No I haven’t, not yet.”
The bartender bought Romany her drink and Peter paid for the glass, it was then that he realised that he didn’t feel awkward talking to Romany of course he had spoken to Cindy on many occasions but she was different, Romany was a stranger and he felt on top of the world.
“So do you travel around too? Like your Mum?”
She half smiled and took a sip of her wine “I do, I think it was because of my mum it was just her and me for a long time and just because I came along she didn’t stop moving, I don’t know what it’s like to live in the one place for anymore than six months”
As Cindy came out from the ladies she spotted Peter talking to another woman, she stopped, her heart lurched and tore, she felt the tears prickle behind her eyes. She felt stupid and quickly blinked back the tears and readjusted herself before heading toward Peter and the other woman.
“So what are you doing here, for a job I mean?”
“Oh I’m working here actually, during the week in the kitchen out the back. You should come by tomorrow sometime and say hi.”
“Yeah I…”
Peter stopped as he felt the hand on his arm and he turned to see Cindy smiling “Oh hello, Cindy this is Romany, I accidentally spilt her drink so I offered to buy her another.”
Cindy smiled it would be just like Peter she thought and she tried to convince herself it was innocent.
Romany eyed Cindy and smiled “I better keep going, nice to meet you and thank you for the drink.”
Peter bowed slightly and smiled “It was my pleasure.”
Cindy wasn’t sure what to say, whether to ignore it or say something, she had no claim on Peter, he was after all just her client, but he was more than that to her.
The band finished to a round of applause and Cindy drove Peter home.
She sat while the car idled and he turned in his seat to face her and he smiled “Would you like to come in for a coffee.” He waited for her rejection
“You know what. I don’t have an early start in the morning so, I might just take you up on that offer.”
Peter thought that the moon had fallen out of the sky and hit him on the head because he was seeing stars, he beamed a huge smile, finally he thought, perseverance pays off.
Inside he immediately went to the stereo and put on a cd with the volume low and switched on the television with it on mute, he went into the kitchen to boil the kettle and prepared two cups.
Cindy had been in his house many times over the past couple of years and she had never felt as nervous as she felt right now.
Peter came into the lounge area and handed Cindy her coffee, he wasn’t sure where to go from here and he felt as nervous as a person on a first date, he didn’t want to get it wrong, he liked Cindy a lot and he wanted more from their current friendship, he would prefer it a relationship and while they had a client relationship as far as a personal relationship he thought he had better stick with friendship, it was better than nothing.
Cindy realised that while she knew the man she didn’t know him entirely, she knew his taste in music was similar to hers and they watched similar television shows, but as for anything else she really didn’t know a lot and she put it down to her professional attitude where you know the client on a semi personal level what she called the outer crust anything deeper and you got involved too much making it hard to separate when it was time, she thought about Peter and his progress, if he continued it would not be long and he would no longer need her services, she felt the pain in her chest and the threatening of tears again, she choked them back and took a sip of her coffee, where did she start? Surely she wasn’t that out of the loop that she didn’t know how to start a conversation.
The silence was awkward, Peter didn’t know what to say he sat and drank his coffee, he thought it would be different that they would talk like they do when she came to perform her sadistic ritual on him or at the café each week but right now felt repressed.
An add came on the tv for a show that she knew they both watched, perfect she thought and she bought up the subject.
It had been the ice breaker and the tension dissolved, Peter made them another coffee and Cindy was enjoying herself and felt comfortable with Peter again, they discussed art and books, the fact that she was into art and he wasn’t, he read science fiction and she read crime and romance.
She drank the last of the coffee and placed the cup on the coffee table. “I really should get going although I don’t have an early start, I still have clients.” she got up from the couch and walked towards the door.
Peter got up and followed her “Well thank you for another enjoyable Wednesday, I look forward to it each week.”
She turned to face him “Thank you for the company, I enjoy it too.” She noticed that he was close to her and she could still smell the aftershave he wore, she wanted to bury her head in it and breathe it in and have his arms hold her. Was it the aftershave, that sent her head spinning and her heart racing, or was she feeling things for Peter as a client she shouldn’t, as a person she wanted it.
As she turned he could smell her perfume that she always wore, he always liked it but tonight it smelt sweeter, more seductive, more alluring and her eyes tonight were more mysterious, more tempting to get lost in. Her lips so round and full and enticing, he licked his own.
“I ...um.. thank.. you …for….” His words trailed off as he bent his head closer to hers.
Her lips parted and met his, she closed her eyes and lost herself in his warm and tender kiss that wasn’t demanding but tender and seducing, his arms wound around her and pulled her close to him.
He wanted her, he wanted to pick her up and carry her to bed but that nagging doubt, that nagging self-pity kicked in and he pulled back.
“I better let you get home.” He said
She smiled slightly not wanting to let the disappointment to the abrupt ending of their kiss show through. “Yes, I suppose. Good night Peter.” she thought about giving him a peck on the cheek but thought better of it.
“Good night Cindy.”
As she drove away she wondered about her feelings for Peter, the kiss, the woman he met tonight and her relationship with him. Why did he abruptly stop their kiss and where did they go from here?
Friday, September 30, 2011
Things Change ~ Chapter 4
Peter that night thought about Cindy and how he felt when he first walked into the café, Cindy made him feel special like he was a person who meant something and not a fat person who should hide away, he thought about the seats in the cubicles and how romantic it would have been to be in one with Cindy he couldn’t help it he liked her a lot, he resolved that each day he would work at losing weight, he wasn’t sure how but something Cindy said spurred him on ‘if I could go one whole month without dessert I would shout myself to a new pair of shoes or a dress’ of course he wouldn’t buy a pair of shoes or a dress but he could buy something else.
He thought about what he would like to ‘treat’ himself to a pair of jeans he thought, it had been years since he had worn a pair but as he looked at himself in the mirror he knew that it would be a long time before he would be able to do that.
So he sat and thought about the things that he probably shouldn’t eat and the things that he should or could do for exercise, Cindy had given herself a month so he picked one food item that he would eliminate and one exercise thing to do every-day for the next month and if he achieved it he would buy himself a new shirt.
At two o’clock in the morning he felt pleased with himself and looked forward to the new day and the excitement of the journey he was about to begin.
The new morning he woke still excited and a little apprehensive whether he could do it or not, one day at a time he reminded himself, so he made breakfast, washed his dishes and mopped his kitchen floor he looked at the towel on the lounge-room floor where he decided that he would do the dreaded floor exercises that Cindy made him do everytime she was here. If there was anything he wanted it was to do the floor exercises well so that he didn’t look like a floundering fat fish.
He sat at the kitchen table looking at the towel that lay on the floor and he knew that if he just did it when he first put the towel down it would have been done by now and he wondered why he was so reluctant to start, it wasn’t as if he would be embarrassed there was no-one around to see him, surely now would be the perfect time to do it, while no-one was around.
After another ten minutes he gathered the determination to just do it, after fifteen sweaty minutes he pulled himself off the floor, fifteen minutes he thought to himself he should be able to do it quicker, he thought about trying again in the afternoon perhaps he could time himself he had an alarm on his phone that would be able to time him. Again he was looking forward to trying, but now he was going to have a shower and wash the sweaty film from him.
The following three days he continued his exercises on the floor in the morning and in the afternoon, he had got his time down to fourteen minutes and was proud that he had taken some time off his floor exercises. Today he was excited, Cindy was coming over and he decided to forgo his morning exercises and work off some of his renewed energy by wiping down the cabinets that had accumulated dust and grime over the years. Peter was surprised that he had allowed it to get out of hand.
She pulled up in front and gathered her bags to take them inside when she looked up she saw Peter at the door he was coming out to gather her bags.
She smiled as he took the bags from her and she looked at him, he looked different somehow, he had never come outside to help her with her bags before, was it confidence that she saw in him. She got the mat out and she thought about changing his routine she knew how much he hated working on the mat but the mat was a vital part of strengthening his core.
As she walked inside she looked around thinking it looked different but everything was in place and she resolved that it must have been her imagination.
After going through Peter’s session she was surprised to see Peter with enthusiasm.
“You’re all perky today, you’ve done the routine with five minutes to spare, congratulations.”
He wiped the sweat from his brow. “Yeah I feel good, the best I’ve felt for a long time.”
She smiled “That’s good. I had a nice time the other night.”
He took a glug of water from a glass and wiped his mouth on his hand towel. “Yeah me too, so since we’ve finished five minutes earlier what do we do with the extra time.”
“Well as you did so well today I say cool down and enjoy.” She looked at him and thought she saw that he would have liked to do more, which she found odd because he was usually glad when the session was finished. “Why don’t we do some more stretches?”
“That would be good.” He smiled
After they finished the stretches she packed up her things to leave.
“Well Peter I’ll see you on our next session Wednesday.”
Peter gave Cindy a great big smile “Look forward to it”
As Cindy started up her engine she mused over the entire session with Peter, something was different and she couldn’t put her finger on it.
Over the following weeks Peter continued to work out on his floor exercises and stayed away from potato chips which were his afternoon and evening treat, each Wednesday Cindy would pick him up and together they would go to the café where they both enjoyed good food, good service and a decent band that played decent music.
Peter was particularly impressed when it came up to his four weeks, one whole month of extra exercise and no potato chips.
Staring at the calendar where the circle indicated that he had done one whole month he placed a big black cross over the circle with the texta in his hand as he did every day, he smiled at his achievement.
Now, for his reward. He showered, shaved and rang for a taxi to take him to the nearest shopping centre where he purchased a new shirt and a new pair of track-pants, he looked at the tailored pants and thought about trying them on. He looked at his purchases and thought that the tailored pants would be his next reward. Pleased with himself he paid for his purchases and went back home.
Peter was surprised that he felt as good as he did, he looked at the towel that lay on the floor as a solitary reminder of the hard work he had put in everyday, it wasn’t easy, once it was done he was glad he did the exercise but getting there was the majority of his battle.
Looking back at the calendar he made another circle on it and thought about his next exercise that he would tackle, he thought about walking but it scared him, he looked at the walking frame and thought that he had to at least give it a go. He thought about how far he would go and where, he didn’t want to go when the kids were about their taunts would crush his ego that had begun to repair.
Looking out the window he watched the sun set over his street and knew that the kids would not be around he slipped on his lace-less sneakers and set off out the door, he put the timer on his watch five minutes he thought at least for a start, two and a half minutes he set the watch for and set off down the path leading away from his door, as the timer went off he was surprised that his time was up and headed back home.
As he walked in the door he felt good, he had a great day, he had reached the one month mark, bought a new shirt and track pants and had walked for five minutes without his frame.
The following week when Cindy came to pick Peter up for their weekly outing she noted his new attire.
“Very nice” she commented gesturing toward his new clothes
“You like it?”
“I do. When did you get this?” she said as she touched the sleeve of his shirt.
“Last week it was a reward.”
She smiled at him “A reward for what?”
“Well I remembered what you said that first night about rewarding yourself for not eating dessert, so I thought that I would do the same and this is my reward.”
“Oh congratulations Peter that’s wonderful I’m proud of you. You know the last couple of weeks I have seen a definite improvement in your workout and whatever you have been doing is working well”
“Those damn floor exercises you make me do, I do them every day and I cut out my potato chips”
“You must feel really good”
“I do”
She turned the car engine over “Well lets go celebrate and my reward to you for taking the initiative my shout.”
Peter blushed “Cindy I couldn’t possibly allow you to pay, what say at the end of the night I get a good night kiss on the cheek.”
Cindy smiled and held out her hand for Peter to shake “Deal.”
Their night together consisted again of good food, good service and a nice healthy dose of good music and wonderful company. The end of the night was drawing to a close and Peter felt excited he was going to get a kiss from Cindy, ridiculous he knew that he was getting excited about a kiss on the cheek but anything remotely close to intimacy he welcomed it had been so long since he had been with a woman.
He sat in the car and performed his weekly line “Would you like to come in for a coffee?”
She smiled at him, he was so sweet she thought, she put her hand on his that sat on his knee and gave his hand a squeeze. “You are wonderful man Peter, I believe I owe you a good night kiss.”
Peter blushed and gave a childish chuckle.
She leant over and kissed him on the cheek “Good night Peter, thank you for a lovely night.”
Peter chuckled again and wished her a good night as he got out of the car. He thought about his next day, he had an appointment at the doctors which he dreaded, more humiliation from the doctor.
Hopefully a new chapter tomorrow
til next time
Happy Reading
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Things Change ~ Chapter 3
As he walked into the café he felt as if all eyes were on him but they weren’t but his imagination and senses fooled him into thinking they were. The smell of the café was a mixture of rich coffee and delicious aroma of good food steaming off of plates, his mouth began to water, the band’s equipment was set up in the corner of the café but they were yet to play, ambient music of their latest self-recorded album played from speakers within the café.
Cindy found a seat that had a reserved sign placed on it and she sat down, he looked around and was instantly glad that she had not chosen the cubicle seats as he simply would not have been able to fit, he sat and commented on how nice the place was.
“I’ve been coming here for close to a year now, I’ve been following the band for close to two, a friend of my sister knows the drummer and I like their music. The café is really nice and they have good food and not overly pricey which is always a bonus.”
A petite redhead came to the table placed a bottle of water in the middle of the table and gave them each a menu that had been tucked under her arm and began to pour water from the bottle into the glasses as she spoke.
“Hey Cindy, how are you today?”
“I’m good thanks Clarisa. Clarisa this is a friend of mine Peter, Peter this is Clarisa one of the finest waitresses I’ve ever had the pleasure of.”
“Stop it, you’re making me blush, hey before I forget to tell you the specials today are seafood linguine and risotto stuffed quail with dessert being a death by chocolate cake with chocolate cream.”
“Mmmm sounds good I may have to treat myself.”
“You always say that but you never do.”
“You got me there.”
“We’ll look at the menu, thanks Clarissa”
Peter looked at her “You don’t treat yourself?”
Cindy smiled “Oh I do, just not with dessert. I always say that just to make Clarissa feel good that she has at least told me about the dessert. I made a pact a long time ago with myself that if I could go one whole month without dessert I would shout myself to a new pair of shoes or a dress and I guess I still do that.”
“But you could have dessert.”
She half smiled at Peter and she wondered how much she could tell him about her past, could she tell him that she was afraid to eat dessert, she knew it was silly but it was a demon that she had fought a long time ago and she knew that the demon was there and that it was easier to not tempt it. She had been strong this long, she wasn’t about to quiver.
“Yes I suppose I could, but I would rather treat myself with other things than food, I remember someone once telling me ‘no food is as good as feeling thin’ and I have always stuck by that.”
Peter was puzzled that she would remember such things she was pretty and skinny and wouldn’t need to watch her weight “But you don’t have any need to remember being thin.”
Cindy shifted uncomfortably in her chair she always felt uncomfortable when someone spoke about her weight, how thin she was, how fat she was, why was the world so obsessed with eating and being fat or being thin, why couldn’t people accept people for who they were. But she knew most people obsessed about food and weight, heavens she should know, she did it, wasn’t that why she got into what she did, to help people, to help herself.
Clarissa came back to the table with order pad and pencil in hand “So what will you guys have.”
Cindy looked at Peter
“You go first.” he said, he wanted to see what she ordered.
“Prawn cocktail and a Mediterranean salad”
Peter looked at the menu wanting the beer battered fish and beer battered wedges “Warm beef salad”
“Do you want that with chips or warm potato with a Chantilly sauce
Umm I’ll have ch…”
Cindy laid a hand on his “Oh Peter try the potato with the sauce its good”
“It is good” Clarissa reiterated
Peter looked down at Cindy’s hand that lingered on his, it seemed so small and petite compared to his large fat hand. “Oh ok well I guess I’ll have that then.”
“Great did you want any drinks?”
“I’ll just stick with water.” Cindy said as she pulled her hand away and began folding the napkin that was in front of her
“I’m good with the water” although he would prefer a beer he thought to himself
As Clarissa left Peter asked the question “So what the hell is Chantilly sauce it sounds fruity.”
Cindy laughed “You’ll like it, it’s a cream based sauce with mustard and vinegar it will go well with your beef salad.”
“So would have the chips.” He joked
The band began and their meal was delivered, Peter was impressed with both and before long the night was drawing to a close and he was wishing that he had more time that he could spend with Cindy, they had a great night and he did indeed like the band and even bought one of their cd’s, he bought it more so that he could play it again and remember the lovely night he had.
She pulled up in front of his house and he suddenly felt nervous he wasn’t sure what the protocol was did he ask her in for a coffee, did he just say thank you, did he give her a kiss, he wanted to.
“Did you want to come in for a coffee or something?”
She smiled slightly, tilted her head and shrugged a little “I would love to but I have an early start in the morning.” She paused as she watched the light in him dull “Would you come again with me next week?”
He smiled and brightened “That would be nice, I had a great time tonight, thank you for asking me.” He paused and looked at her, scared to ask what he wanted to ask “Do you mind if I give you a goodnight thank you kiss on the cheek.”
She laughed and blushed “That would be nice.”
He leaned over and kissed her cheek, she patted his hand “Thank you Peter I had a lovely time tonight, I’ll see you next session.”
“Yes, I’ll see you then.”
He got out and waved her off as she drove away, he almost skipped to his front door. As he entered the door and locked it behind him he smiled, he knew that tonight was the beginning of good things to come.
til next time
Happy Reading